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Sunday Service at 11:00 AM
Sunday School for Adults and Children at 9:45 AM

Please join us!
Everyone is Welcome!

Wheat Field


We believe the Holy Bible is the word of God and it is central to all teaching at our church. We grow together spiritually by learning from the Bible individually and corporately. We live by the teachings of the Bible and not the world.

We believe that Jesus Christ was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, performed miracles including giving sight to the blind and life to the dead, He was crucified for the sins of the world, buried and on the third day He was raised back to life by the power of the Holy Spirit. He walked among the people for 40 days and many saw Him. He then ascended into Heaven where He now is both sitting at the right hand of the Father and also preparing a place for us so that where He is we can also be.

We believe that Christ has called us to help Christians grow into effective leaders by mentoring and discipling them. The Holy Spirit is our guide as we develop and send workers out into the world.


Where To Find Us

West Springfield Baptist Church

13695 West Ridge Road
West Springfield, PA 16443

(814) 909-0092

Office Hours: Tues - Thurs 8am - 1pm

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